Thursday, January 16, 2014

Perhaps, The Best Decision Yet.

I want to be a marketer for the rest of my life. I can say that with the utmost confidence in myself and my future. However, I haven’t always known that. When I was going through the glorious years of high school I thought I was meant to be a nurse. After taking medical classes and becoming a nursing assistant, I learned that I get too attached to relationships and I could never handle the emotional ups and downs of a career in healthcare. When I began college I thought for sure that psychology would be my thing. I truly enjoy listening to people and giving advice when I can. I love learning about why we, as humans, think the way we think and do the things we do. After taking a couple psychology classes, I just wasn’t loving it and knew that some reevaluation was in order. I looked into the different programs that Utah State offered. I had always had a passion for leadership and for continuous learning. I finally came to the conclusion that business was the perfect field for me. I knew within the first 5 minutes of my introduction to marketing class that it was the perfect path for me. That was 2 ½ years ago and I am still as sure about it as I was then. The knowledge that I’ve gained from multiple marketing courses and professors, countless textbooks, and some real world experience reassures me that I will be happy for the rest of my life working as a marketer.

The thing that I really love about marketing is the fact that it is relevant to EVERY industry, company and product. Marketing is relatable and it’s memorable. Everyone has a logo, slogan, commercial or campaign that sticks out in their mind forever. Thinking about the fact that someone created that not knowing that it would last forever is so cool to think about. It’s interesting to me because studying marketing teaches you so much about people and the world around us. I think marketing defies stereotypes and opens people’s minds up to new ideas, passions and possibilities. Also, it is constantly changing and there is always something new to learn. This has become so apparent with the explosion of social media. As soon as you think you know everything about the different marketing platforms it basically vanishes and a new tool is introduced. This is what makes it so fun though. It’s a constant challenge and changes as fast as we do.

I’m excited to continue expanding my knowledge of the business world and of the marketing field. I’m also anxious to get out into the real world and experience marketing first hand. There is always so much to learn in the application phases of knowledge and I know that I will be amazed at what I learn. When I graduate I will begin working for a cheese production company. I interned for the company last summer. It was a great experience that finished with a job offer that I’m extremely grateful for. I will be a Marketing Management Trainee which consists of different rotations through the commercial department of the company. I will be exposed to more hands on marketing, sales, research and development, finance and logistics. It will be a great position to get a taste of many different aspects of business and to learn how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together to create a successful company. I couldn't be happier to be graduating with a degree in marketing and to be pursuing a career in this field. It's what I'm meant to do. I just know it.

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